VDUs are widely used in all industry today and are a contributing factor to back injury, eye strain from poor ergonomics and eye strain from incorrect positioning of equipment or in regard to lighting.

The General Application Regulations 1993 contains a list of minimum requirements in which the employer is obliged to carry out a risk assessment of each VDU workstation. This assessment will also look at the equipment, software, ventilation, lighting levels, access & egress, ergonomics, good housekeeping, space requirements, noise, eye tests, electrical cables/electricity, manual handling, stress due to VDU work and all office furniture. There are minimum requirements and standards required which cover all these areas. This assessment will also evaluate the employees routine, positioning and seating in relation to their VDU and training levels provide to staff.

The assessment will also take into account any traits or symptoms of ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ which may be identified during the risk assessment.

Allow the employer to meet his legal requirements
Provide the management with an understanding of the design problems or
underlying engineering/ventilation problem of the individual workstations or office
Reduce the level of RSI or Work Related Upper Limb Disorders
(WRULDs) injuries and eye sight problems
Provides staff with a safer and more beneficial working environment
Reduces stressing and fatigue factors related to the work environment
Allows the employer to identify and put in place any extra training and
information that may be required for employees

Through a process of discussion, training and adjustment, suggestions are made to improve the ergonomic use of desk equipment, including the desk itself, chairs, PC screens, keyboards and mouse, and any other equipment that is used day to day. In this way potential stresses on workers are reduced, allowing them to be more comfortable in their work.

Safety Advisor

If you are serious about meeting your safety requirements and can’t afford a full-time safety professional give us a call. 

ASTS specialises in delivering on-site safety advice on a short or long term basis. We can assist you in implementing a comprehensive health and safety management system to suit your needs. 

Depending on your companies’ requirements, ASTS can tailor a package that meets your individual needs.

We can also offer our clients access to all the training programmes outlined in the training section. Costs for Health & Safety Advisors are available on request.